

You found one!
A PCB on this website that is not just there to distort your signal to Meppen and back
This is a weird saying that is pretty much only used around my where I live (Bremen/Germany) and I have to explain it to everyone that is not from that precise area
Meppen is a small city near the dutch border and is a little over 100km from Bremen
And since that is pretty far away some people from here (especially older ones) use the term "Bis nach Meppen" (from here to Meppen) to say if something is a lot
Not even just for distances
You might find someone say "Boah der Atze gestern war voll bis Meppen" (That dude yesterday was drunk till Meppen) wich just means he was super drunk
You might even add a "und zurück" (and back) after it to push it even harder

Now you've just learned something that you can use for pretty much nothing
I didn't even tell you that this PCB can be used to build a clone of the Schaller Tremolo
And since Schaller is a German company my rant is even related
But then again Schaller is located near Nürnberg in the south so they might have never heard of Meppen

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