Kloppe Gerät


Oh man...
How am I going to explain this...
On the old Death By Audio website there was a page with pictures and explanations of a few old one-off pedals they build
One of these pedals was the Assault System
A dual fuzz/distortion with a transistor and a opamp based side with interesting tone (filter) controls
Looking through forums on the internet on the search for weirdass circuits I found schematic for this exact pedal wich were apparently based on some dubious photos of Oliver Ackerman's notebook
So I made PCBs for both sides of this pedal
But when I was writing the documentation for them I found out that almost all traces of the existence of this pedal dissapeared from the internet...
The new DBA website has a link to a "Legacy Website" but that currently leads nowhere*
I can't even find the forums anymore
Please believe me that I did not make this shit up!
This is the PCB to build a clone of the opamp side
You can find the transistor side here (I kinda copy/pasted the description from there since I am lazy)
Keep this weird circuit alive!

Build Docs

*Edit: it finally works again
Here is the link
There is a picture of the assault system
Looks like the original even had an order switch