Intensified Birdfluff


Let‘s face it,
at one point or another in our life we will need a overdrive pedal
So if we take time from building crazy fuzzes and reverbs for a overdrive it should be good.

This one is!

At its core the pedal you will build with this is a clone of the Earthquaker Devices Plumes.
But I made it even better by adding the Turbo switch of the Ibanez TS9DX.

This will give you 4 modes.
1.Standard Plumes
2.More volume and more bass
3.Even more volume and bass
4.No more clipping diodes (just op amp distortion) and enough volume and bass to make any guitar sound like a 10kg les paul on some crazy amphetamines.

This can give you everything from light overdrive to tubescreamer style boost to your amp screaming for mercy.

Try it with guitar
Try it with bass
Try it with synth
Try it with your family

No one uses regular tube screamers anymore.

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